Sunday, April 20, 2014

Love for someone...

The Bit by bit and day by day
In such a special lovely way
Do not know why or how to say
But I shall try to... If I may

And thus I shall try to explain
That despite heavy pouring rain
In times of sorrow and of pain
My love for you was not in vain

When I was down and even sad
If I felt angry rather mad
If I was in tears feeling bad
My love for you I did not dread

I was insulted even mocked
My same own life I feel was blocked
The doubts that came and often knocked
My love for you was safely locked

Until the day you came to me
The love in me you did not see
Without you dear how could I be?
My love for you I could not free

And yet you know I still love you
A love that’s strong and oh so true
Wher’ver you go wher’ver to
My love for you will follow too

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


When your heart chooses a path, and you walk so far,
nothing can turn you back from where you are.
No pain, no scars can make you turn away,
there's nothing that anyone can do nor say.

You're scared, your hurting and the tears seem to never end,
but you think in your mind "I would do it all again".
For the little moments, that get you through the bad,
For the few happy moments that get you through the sad.

For the few laughs and smile, and the jokes and the care,
that you wish so wholeheartedly would always be there.
You'd try to make them happy in ever possible way,
but it seems to worsen with every passing day. 

All you want is for them to hold you and let you know that they care,
but know matter how hard you try, they don't, and it doesn't seem fair.
Your whole heart now broken, you hope for a change, 
but you know somehow even through your prayers they will always be the same.
Your love won't let you leave, and you continue to hope for the best,
and pray every night that God will take care of the rest.